Band knives for the paper and cardboard industry

In the paper and cardboard industry there are special requirements for band knives.

A smooth as possible cut result along with low dust development and as low as possible waste are essential. Our band knives for the paper industry are manufactured to the most up-to-date technical standards. Profit from our many years of experience in this area and be inspired by our quality.


We can offer you a very broad variety of blade geometries for your band knives.

Please refer to our explanations under “Blade geometries” for this.

We fabricate your band knife to your specifications. During this we always strive to make the right band knife for you and your purpose of use.

We, Herbertz GmbH and Co. KG, only process the best types of steel for our knives. These are always selected due to the tasks to be exercised later. Also the blade geometry and the shape of the knife are always perfected in order to deliver the most clean result possible.

You profit with our band knives from an outstanding cutting result with simultaneous high service life.

We are glad to support you in determining the right knife for your application.